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Bia East District Assembly donates to PWDs

Social Welfare

To empower people living with disabilities, the management of the Assembly has successfully disbursed funds to Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) beneficiaries, marking a significant step towards improving accessibility and inclusivity in the district. This initiative not only provides financial support to individuals who may face unique challenges due to their disabilities, but also serves as a testament to the district assembly's/government's commitment to promoting equality and empowerment for all citizens. The successful disbursement of funds to PWDs beneficiaries also reflects a broader shift towards a more inclusive and progressive approach to governance within the district. Management in recognizing the specific needs and rights of individuals with disabilities, the assembly in collaboration with central government and other stakeholders are taking important steps towards creating a more just and equitable society for all citizens.


Address:  Bia East District Assembly

                 P.O Box 94, Essam
Phone:     0559993959

Copyright © 2016 Bia East District Assembly - BEDA. All Rights Reserved.

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